12th Annual Games for Change Festival
MCG had a large presence at The 12th Annual Games for Change Festival. We raised eyebrows with the reveal of its collaborative project with G4C (gameimpact.net) at a VIP Breakfast, and made new friends over lunch sessions discussing the release of our first report on fragmentation. Benjamin Stokes, our partner on the project and co-founder of G4C, talked more about the report at a panel on Optimizing for Impact and Creativity.
We also got to spend some time learning from and conversing with some incredible industry professionals from top companies like Rovio and Brainpop. Here are a few particularly interesting highlights from the festival, including links to the presentations.
HH Prince Fahad Al-Saud/ The Arab World and its Digital Now – Prince Fahad, CEO of NAM (New Arab Media), discusses misconceptions about the Arab World, gender equality, and his company’s strategy for digital empowerment. (http://livestream.com/g4c/live2/videos/84772601) (@42 minutes)
Angry Birds Transforming Education with Rovio Fun Learning – Our friends at Rovio shed light on how its learning division approaches the challenge of global learning. Success is a synonym for learning! (http://livestream.com/g4c/live3) (@33minutes)
The Future of VR with Michael Abrash and Jacquelyn Ford Morie – A major theme this year is VR (virtual reality) and the future of educational development. Few are asking will VR have an impact on educational games; the real question is how. (http://livestream.com/g4c/live3/videos/84888770) (@1hr 29minutes)
You can watch all of the videos here: (http://livestream.com/g4c).
For presentation notes from the community, check out: (bit.ly/1Fc4oBO)