MCG Partners with Parents’ Choice Foundation to Survey Parents On Toy Selection
November 2018

If you are parent or primary caregiver of a child under 10, please click here to take the survey!

Michael Cohen to present at a U.S. Department of Education policy briefing on “Using Digital Media to Bring Math Instruction to Early Learners in Homes and Informal Learning Settings.”
April 2016

On April 14th, 2016 researchers will share the findings of recent ED-funded studies on the effectiveness of Ready to Learn Television (RTL) grants which allow early learners to use television and digital learning media in their homes or in informal community-based learning centers to learn new math skills.

Michael Cohen and Carmina Marcial to present findings from the Ready to Learn Initiative (2010-2015) at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
April 2016

On April 9th at 4:05 P.M. the panel “Transforming Early Childhood Education With Transmedia: Findings From the Ready To Learn Initiative (2010–2015)” will take place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Level 1, Room 143A.

Michael Cohen to Co-Moderate the Opening Panel of Digital Kids at the Javits Center in NYC
February 2016

On Monday, February 15th, 2016, Michael Cohen and Jerry Welsh wll be co-moderating the opening panel of the Digital Kids conference, “The Anthropology of Play.” The panelists, who include representatives from Lego, Spin Master, and Crayola, will discuss the current landscape of digital content, technology and children’s play. Digital Kids is the companion conference to Toy Fair.

MCG Sponsors A Child for Kids First! Film Critics Summer Bootcamp
August 2015

Michael Cohen Group is proud to announce that it will sponsor a child’s enrollment in the Kids First! Film Critics Summer Boot Camp taking place in Brooklyn, New York. The camp provides children with the opportunity to learn about the film industry and hone their film development and critiquing skills.

During the weeklong camp, children will practice writing film reviews with the help of seasoned film critics, learn production techniques firsthand, and practice in-person interviewing. MCG is thrilled to be able to help a child grow and develop through the Kids First Film Critics Summer Boot Camp!

MCG Welcomes New Interns Into Expanded Internship Program
June 2015

The summer of 2015 marks the 4th anniversary (approximate) of the MCG internship program. What began as a single roster spot for one aspiring researcher now includes a formal partnership with New York University and four rotating intern positions, representing diverse experience and interests. The program also led us to two amazing hires, Melissa De Feo and Rebecca Silliman. This summer MCG is adding two new intern positions – Technology and Media and Social Media.

More importantly, we’re excited to announce the talented and hard working folks who will be filling the positions this summer:

Technology and Media – Sarah Berry (Wellesley University)
Social Media – Ashley Charleson (University of Delaware)
Research – Alexa Roth (Teacher’s College)
Information Design – Karen Wang (New School)

MCG is also looking for enthusiastic and self-motivated candidates for the fall 2015. If interested, please contact Gerad O’Shea at

Impact with Games: A Fragmented Field
May 2015

During the VIP breakfast at the 2015 Games for Change Festival, MCG Senior Research Associate Nicole Walden and project collaborator Benjamin Stokes announced the release of our first report in collaboration with Games for Change – Impact with Games: A Fragmented Field. This report is part one of an ongoing project that ambitiously seeks to get at the “big picture” for social impact games. Our deep goal is to improve the coherence and collaboration in how stakeholders work together, aligning creative design with evidence and research across disciplines.

We are actively seeking input and feedback from the community of social impact games in order to fully understand the scope of fragmentation in the field. You can download the report here and submit feedback through the project website:

MCG Presents RTL Findings at AERA
April 2015

MCG presented research findings from national summative evaluations of the RTL media properties at the 2015 Annual American Educational Research Association Conference in Chicago, IL. Michael Cohen presented the findings for UMiGO and MCG Research Director Carmina Marcial presented findings from ELC. The panel included Brian Lekander (US Department of Education), Chip Donohue, Shelley Pasnik (Education Development Center, Inc), Elizabeth McCarthy (WestEd), and Ellen Wartella (Northwestern University).

MCG Research Associate Melissa De Feo Invited to Serve on NREA Committee
November 2014

MCG Research Associate Melissa De Feo has been invited to serve on the Higher Education and Research Committee of the National Rural Education Association (NREA). As a committee member, Melissa is tasked with ensuring symposia meet NREA’s rigorous scientific standards and helping to develop an NREA research agenda that aligns with the needs of the organization’s stakeholders.  She first became acquainted with the NREA when she attended the annual convention and research symposium in San Antonio, TX in October. Melissa will be presenting a workshop at this year’s conference held in St. Louis Missouri, discussing the critical role rural schools play in the research process and how to forge stronger partnerships. If you’d like more information or are interested in partnering, contact Melissa at

MCG Wins Contract with the US NAVY
September 2014

MCG won a contract to conduct a pilot assessment of the US Department of the Navy’s Drug Education of Youth (DEFY) Program. MCG will conduct a mixed-methods evaluation to help determine which version of the program has the greatest impact on children’s outcomes and the lowest attrition among children and staff. MCG is excited and honored to be working on our first contract with the Navy.

MCG Presents at the 11th Annual Games for Change Conference
April 2014

MCG research director Gerad O’Shea moderated a panel at the 2014 Games for Change Conference entitled Impact from games? Pick the right field first! Gerad led panelists Benjamin Stokes (UC Berkley), Tracey Fullerton (UC Berkley), and Shelley Pasnik (Center for Children and Technology) through a discussion about the benefits and challenges of measuring the impact of games.

MCG Research featured in CNET article: “Kids play with gadgets more than toys, study says.”
February 2014

Research conducted by MCG and presented by Michael Cohen at the 2014 Digital Kids Conference in New York City was featured in a CNET article describing trends in children’s touch screen device and toy usage. The full presentation is also available – Toys, Learning, & Play.

Michael Cohen Interviewed by
November 2013

Dr. Michael Cohen has recently sat down with ToyInfo’s trend team to talk about the value of traditional toys and digital playthings, and how they’re evolving.

Children, Families & Media: A Benchmark
June 2012

A comprehensive survey of media ownership and use by families at all income levels with young children ages two to eight years old. See full report in Case Studies section.